Few divorce issues are as hotly contentious in court as spousal support—often called alimony. When one spouse seeks financial support from the other as they move forward from divorce, disputes almost always arise. Whether you are seeking spousal support orders in a Colorado divorce or you’re facing orders from your spouse, you need the spousal support lawyers in Evans who are deeply familiar with the state’s laws, the factors Colorado judges use in deciding spousal support orders, and the rights and obligations of each spouse during a Colorado divorce. Call The Law Offices of Stephen Vertucci today so we can begin strong legal representation for you in your Evans divorce and spousal support case.
Since founding attorney, Stephen Vertucci moved to Colorado in 2007 after a powerful history as a trial lawyer, he turned his deep interest in family law matters into a highly successful career as a family lawyer advocating assertively for his client’s family-focused legal needs. Since beginning The Law Offices of Stephen Vertucci in 2016, he’s served northern Colorado communities through the following:
Colorado courts view spousal support as an important means of ensuring one spouse does not suffer a sudden change in their accustomed lifestyle. Your lawyer from The Law Offices of Stephen Vertucci will document evidence and present your arguments effectively in negotiating a settlement or disputing the matter in Colorado Family Court.
If you’re seeking a divorce in Evans or you’ve been served with divorce papers, it’s important to know Colorado’s laws for alimony—known as spousal maintenance or spousal support in Colorado—and how they might affect your future. The term “spousal maintenance” in Colorado refers to court orders for periodic payments made from a higher-earning spouse to a lower-earning spouse to prevent a sudden change of accustomed lifestyle or financial hardship for one spouse after a divorce. Unlike child support in Colorado, spousal support is not an automatic obligation or entitlement after a divorce. Instead, the court considers the unique circumstances of each case.
Colorado courts do not automatically award spousal support. Unlike a common misconception, not all women are entitled to spousal support after a divorce. In fact, the courts do not consider gender when making a spousal support determination, but instead consider only the following:
Colorado courts consider the following types of spousal maintenance orders in Colorado:
Most spousal support orders in Evans and throughout Colorado are temporary, rehabilitative, or reimbursive. These types of spousal support serve as a bridge until a spouse increases their education, gains employment, or becomes self-sufficient. Permanent spousal support is less common and typically ordered only after long-term marriages with a spouse whose age, health condition, or ability prevents a return to the workforce.
If spousal maintenance is a factor in your Colorado divorce case, you need skilled, experienced legal counsel from a Colorado spousal support attorney in Evans. Your Evans divorce lawyer from The Law Offices of Stephen Vertucci will assertively advocate for your rights and best interests throughout negotiations for a settlement or in divorce court. Call our Evans law office today so we can begin safeguarding your rights.