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Wellington Spousal Support Lawyer

In Colorado, spousal support need only be requested by a spouse for the court to consider awarding it. Whether you are a potential payee or payor, you should know Colorado’s spousal support laws and how they could affect your divorce case.

An experienced Wellington spousal support lawyer, like those at The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, can review your circumstances. They can offer you valuable advice about whether spousal support payments could affect your future finances.

Why Choose The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, for Your Spousal Support Case?

At The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, we believe all divorcing spouses should be aware of their legal rights and how to protect themselves and their assets. We are a full-service law firm dedicated solely to the practice of family law.

Our Colorado divorce lawyers have served clients for more than a decade in Northern Colorado. At The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, we want to provide you with representation tailored to meet your personal goals and legal best interests.

Start planning for your future today. Contact The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, in Wellington to schedule your confidential spousal support consultation.

Spousal Support in Colorado

Spousal support is called spousal maintenance in Colorado. It can be awarded by the court during or at the end of a divorce case.

Temporary spousal maintenance is spousal support ordered during a divorce case. It ends when the divorce is final. Permanent spousal maintenance or long-term spousal support is ordered at the end of a divorce.

Permanent spousal support can be lifelong in marriages of more than 20 years or when spouses are unable to support themselves due to age or health.

Eligibility for Spousal Maintenance in Colorado

To receive spousal support in Colorado, a spouse must first request spousal maintenance from the court. Once requested, the court will consider any number of statutory factors in making its spousal support ruling.

These factors include, but are not limited to:

  • The length of the marriage
  • The lifestyle enjoyed by the spouses during the marriage
  • The education and skills of each spouse
  • Whether one spouse gave up a career to rear children
  • The marital assets allocated to each spouse
  • Assets allocated to each party
  • Any temporary maintenance paid during the divorce

Colorado’s statutory guidelines apply to marriages lasting between three and 20 years with a combined annual adjusted gross income of less than $240,000. However, the court may deviate from the guidelines. Our team of attorneys who handle spousal support cases can guide you through the complexities of the legal process.

Spouses Can Create Their Own Maintenance Agreements

Spouses can create and agree upon their own maintenance agreements. Spousal maintenance agreements are called contractual or non-modifiable spousal support.

These agreements must be approved by the court and cannot be unconscionable. Spousal maintenance agreements are typically unmodifiable.

Contact an Experienced Wellington Spousal Maintenance Attorney Today

Financially separating from a spouse can be a daunting task. If you find yourself overwhelmed and unsure where to turn, call the experienced attorneys at The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC.

If you need a Wellington spousal support lawyer and are unsure how to pay a monthly support obligation, we can help you. The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, can also handle your related family law matters including divorce, child custody, and modification of existing orders. Contact our Colorado office today for a consultation.

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