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The Impact of a DUI on a Child Custody and Divorce

A DUI charge is never easy to face, but it can feel even more stressful if it accompanies divorce and child custody proceedings. On top of your existing emotional and financial strains, a DUI creates the need for yet another attorney, mandatory court appearances, and potential jail time and fines. If you are looking for…

Legal Team

How Can I Pay Child Support If I Am Unemployed?

There may come a time when you can no longer afford your court-ordered child support payments. You may have recently incurred unexpected bills, received a demotion at work, or even lose your job. The unemployment rate in the U.S. was 4.8% in the beginning of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While this…

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What If My Spouse Won’t Agree To A Divorce?

When two people experience irreconcilable differences in a marriage, both parties typically want to complete the divorce process as quickly as possible. But this isn’t the case in every relationship. Sometimes, one party wants to stay married or delay the process by refusing to participate. If your spouse won’t agree to a divorce, there are…

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What Factors Does A Judge Consider In A Colorado Child Custody Case?

Custody battles are some of the most dreaded aspects of divorce cases in Colorado. No parent wants to fight for the right to have child custody – nor prove to a judge that he or she is a “good” parent. In Colorado, the law refers to child custody as “parental responsibilities.” When both parents agree…

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How To File For Child Custody Modification In Colorado

There may come a time when you need to make changes to your child custody agreement. Custodial and noncustodial parents can file for modifications to child custody in Colorado. The courts support safe and supportive living arrangement changes, and prefer these kinds of modifications to disruptive changes. The courts will only accept a child custody…

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