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Navigating Child Support Modifications: What You Need to Know

Child support orders in Colorado are enforceable, with consequential methods such as wage garnishment, interception of tax returns, driver’s license suspension, and criminal charges. But judges understand that sometimes circumstances change beyond an individual’s control. Instead of failing to pay child support and falling into arrears, petitioning for a modification of child support is a…

Legal Team

Understanding How Child Support Works Across State Lines

Child support is one of the most complicated areas of divorce law. If your case involves an out-of-state spouse or child relocation, child support can be even more difficult to navigate. Unfortunately, a child support order across state lines can increase the risk of unpaid support or late payments – taking away the money that…

Legal Team

Contempt of Court in a Child Support Proceeding in Colorado

A family law case in Colorado could become complicated and require the courts to intervene, especially if the couple does not get along or one spouse is being vindictive during or after a divorce. One tool that the courts may use to force a party to comply with the court order is placing the individual…

Legal Team

Colorado Child Support and High-Income Families

Child support is a complicated area of divorce law for any family. If you qualify as a high-income family under state law, however, you are an exception to the general Colorado Child Support Guidelines and may need additional assistance in calculating each parent’s child support obligation. The best way to understand child support in your…

Legal Team

Calculating Child Support in Colorado

If you and your spouse share any children together, child support is something that you will need to consider when getting divorced. Child support is an amount granted to one spouse and paid for by the other spouse to financially support the children of a marriage after a divorce. Learning how child support is typically…

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