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Common Challenges in Child Relocation Cases

Adapting to life after divorce is challenging for parents. It takes time to feel comfortable with parenting schedules, pick-ups and drop-offs, and adjusting to the new normal of one family in two households. But what happens when one parent’s career or personal life requires a big move outside of the area or out of the…

Legal Team

Child Custody and Relocation in Colorado

A common issue involved with a child custody arrangement is one parent wishing to relocate. A spouse may wish to move farther away to have a fresh start after the breakup, or may get relocated for work long after the divorce. Whatever the reason, specific protocols must be met to legally relocate with a minor…

Legal Team

What Do Temporary Injunctions in a Divorce in Colorado Actually Mean?

The filing of every divorce case in Colorado creates an automatic temporary injunction. This is a legal order that prohibits both parties involved in the divorce or legal separation from certain activities, mainly relating to the destruction or use of marital property. Understanding how a temporary injunction works can help you avoid doing something that…

Legal Team

What Happens to an Adopted Child During a Divorce?

An adopted child is viewed in the same way as a biological child by the divorce courts in Colorado. This means if you and your spouse get divorced with an adopted child, matters such as child custody and child support will be determined in much the same way as if the child were biological and…

Legal Team

How to Notify a Noncustodial Parent You’re Moving

Developing a custody agreement is often a long and stressful process, and the divorced parent’s lives can change in drastic ways after a custody agreement has already been established. Fortunately, the court system allows divorced parents to revisit and amend an existing custody agreement in light of changing life circumstances. For example, if your employer…

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