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What Is Considered Parental Kidnapping in Colorado?

The most common form of child abduction is parental kidnapping. Parental kidnapping occurs when a non-custodial parent takes children without the custodial parent’s knowledge or consent. Colorado laws define taking a child as kidnapping, even if the abductor is a parent, if that parent does not have custody or parenting time privileges. If a non-custodial…

Legal Team

What You Should Know About International Travel With Your Child After Divorce

International travel with children has grown increasingly common over the past several years, and so have the number of marriages between parents of varying national backgrounds. Traveling with children often entails some stress, but this increases significantly when international travel is concerned. Additionally, a divorced parent may worry about an ex-spouse abducting the couple’s children…

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Filing For Child Relocation in Colorado

A divorce is hard on everyone in the family, especially the children. Many times, the custodial parent will want to move to a new city or state and start life anew. While the parent may feel this necessary, child relocation is often a contentious subject between the two parents, because one will feel that their…

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