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What to Expect During a Colorado Mediation

A Colorado mediation is a dispute resolution strategy that takes place in front of an impartial third-party judge or mediator. Mediation is a common strategy for families during divorce and child custody cases, with the purpose of resolving disputes before going to court. If both parties can come to an agreement during mediation, a trial…

Legal Team

Grandparent’s Rights Regarding Grandchildren

Families come apart for numerous reasons: death, divorce, abuse, imprisonment, long-term separation (e.g., military deployment), and more. In these instances, sometimes the grandparents are the most stable guardians in a child’s life. Despite this, grandparents do have automatic legal rights regarding their grandchildren, though specifics regarding custody vary from state to state. To make sure…

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Are Mothers Favored In The Child Custody Process?

There has been a tremendous amount of public discussion over equal rights in recent years. One significant issue seems consistently ignored despite these trends is the treatment of fathers in the child custody process. This is an area of life that leaves men at a distinct disadvantage compared to women, and the family court system…

Legal Team

What If A Parent Doesn’t Honor A Child Custody Schedule?

Of all legal proceedings, child custody arrangements are often the most contentious. Once established, however, they are legally binding unless amended by a judge. So what happens when a parent doesn’t honor the prearranged child custody schedule? Issues Concerning Custodial Parents It’s important to remember that a child custody arrangement is a court order. A…

Legal Team

The Impact of a DUI on a Child Custody and Divorce

A DUI charge is never easy to face, but it can feel even more stressful if it accompanies divorce and child custody proceedings. On top of your existing emotional and financial strains, a DUI creates the need for yet another attorney, mandatory court appearances, and potential jail time and fines. If you are looking for…

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