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Protecting Your Assets During A Divorce

In a divorce, it’s usually more than the people that become separated; assets owned conjointly, or even those you owned before marriage, can go to your ex-spouse. This is often the most contentious subject in a divorce, but there’s ways your can protect your assets so that you can keep them. While the discussions may…

Legal Team

What Is a Parenting Plan?

In a divorce proceeding, both the courts and the parents are focused on what is in the best interest of the children involved. Routine and predictability are important for children, as they provide emotional stability and allow them to adjust to a new and difficult situation. Parenting plans go a long way to providing this predictability, giving children their best shot at adapting to a new environment and flourishing.

Legal Team

Are Children’s Choices Taken Into Account by the Courts During a Divorce?

Divorce proceedings can be stressful, particularly when there are children involved. The matter of custody is often the most contentious, as both parents want a say in the upbringing and welfare of their children. In an ideal situation, parents come to a custody arrangement out of court, with the help of a mediator and their respective attorneys. In fact, some judges require mediation before setting a custody hearing.

Legal Team

Factors Parents Should Consider When Determining Child Custody

Divorce, even when amicable, is rarely an easy process. When there are children involved, the issue of custody can be hotly contested and traumatic for both the children and parents. To minimize disruptions to your family life and streamline the process, take time to prepare for your child custody hearing. These are the factors recommended…

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What Are Different Types of Child Custody?

Child custody decisions are often the most difficult parts of a divorce or dissolution of marriage. If you and your spouse have minor children and are going through a divorce, there are many parental responsibility decisions you or the courts will have to make. There are several different child custody agreements – now legally referred…

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