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At What Age Can a Child Refuse Visitation in Colorado?

Colorado courts decide all family court matters including child custody, parenting time, and visitation in the best interests of the child. A child’s opinion on custody and visitation is only one small part of the court’s considerations when making these decisions.  It’s relatively easy to exchange small children for court-ordered parenting time or visitation according…

Legal Team

Getting Divorced While Pregnant?

There’s little more stressful than the divorce process—except going through the process of divorce in Colorado while also pregnant. Whether petitioning for divorce or responding to a spouse’s divorce petition, there’s a space in the dissolution of marriage paperwork to indicate whether or not you are currently pregnant. So, if you’re facing a divorce and…

Legal Team

Most Common Examples of Parental Alienation in Colorado 2023

In Colorado, family courts place a child’s best interests as their highest priority in all legal decisions and define “best interests” as “encouraging frequent and continuing contact between each parent and the minor children of the marriage.” When one parent attempts to turn their children against the other parent through manipulation, bad-mouthing, encouraging disrespect, and…

Legal Team

Elements of a Child Custody Evaluation

In the best-case scenario of a divorce, parents agree to co-parent peacefully and create a shared custody schedule that’s workable for them and benefits the children. When divorcing or unmarried parents form their own custody agreement in Colorado, a judge will typically sign off on it. Sadly, not all parents can come to a fair…

Legal Team

A Guide to the Step-Parent Adoption Process in Colorado

The word “family” has a broad meaning in the United States, referring to many different combinations of loved ones, not all of whom are related by blood. With the U.S. Census board reporting that 75% of divorced individuals remarry, approximately 1,300 new families with step-children form every day. While the majority of biological parents without…

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