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What to Expect During a Colorado Mediation

A Colorado mediation is a dispute resolution strategy that takes place in front of an impartial third-party judge or mediator. Mediation is a common strategy for families during divorce and child custody cases, with the purpose of resolving disputes before going to court. If both parties can come to an agreement during mediation, a trial…

Legal Team

5 Social Media Mistakes To Avoid During A Divorce

Even the most amicable divorce can be complicated. What was previously a team effort suddenly turns into a potential battle between two people intimately familiar with each other. It’s like watching two football teams face off for their annual game. You know it’s going to get dirty, rough, tense, and nerve-wracking. Rules will be broken,…

Legal Team

5 Reasons “Gray” Divorce Is On The Rise

A new trend has been on the increase over the last two decades; an increase in “gray divorces,” which happen when people over the age of 50 file for divorce. More than 90 percent of the adult population gets married prior to turning 50, but between 40 and 50 percent of those couples do not…

Legal Team

Colorado Permanent Orders Hearing

There are many steps to a divorce case in Colorado. The final stage is the Permanent Orders Hearing. During this conclusive hearing, the judge reviewing the divorce will make the final determinations concerned marital asset and debt division. The judge will also determine maintenance awards, such as spousal support or alimony. If the divorcing couple…

Legal Team

Serving Your Divorce Papers In Colorado

Maybe you’re in the beginning stages of contemplating a divorce, or maybe you’re getting ready to file an official motion. No matter what stage you’re at in considering a divorce, the idea of taking the next step can be scary. Knowing about the process can help put your mind at ease and prepare you for…

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